Opdracht 8: Wacky ways to Move Part 1 

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Wacky ways to Move part 1:


What: heart rate zones

Why: recommended to move every day, how do we know in which zone? Understanding heart rate zones.


  1. Understand difference between a heart beat, a pulse and a heart rate
  2. Know when a heart rate is in its moderate-to-vigorous zone
  3. List different activities that can help heart get into its moderate-to-vigorous zone.


Watch the video in this link until it says you have to pause….




Then, open this document to find out which 3 activities you have to do:




get ready to get moving in all kinds of wacky ways at home with the instructions given. Tap any activity to see a video on how to play it at home. Don’t forget to fill out your wacky ways to move reflection sheet as you make your way through the challenges!

(you can download the reflection sheet at the same link), it looks like this:



Challenge your class mates or friends to complete the games faster!


Have fun.


Assignment: To prove you’ve done this activity, write a short story about what you find out about your own heart rate zone, include a picture while you’re busy doing one of the exercises or simply print your wacky ways to move reflection sheet and fill it out. Take a picture of the reflection sheet and include that in your story. Upload all that at the document lockdown opdracht formulier.